FWPCOA Webmaster
12/4/2019 8:53 AM
Beginning September 20, 2019, CSUS has dramatically changed their enrollment of the Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Volume I. The new Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Volume I is now divided into three separate enrollments. Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plant Volume I still consists of only one book. However, completion of all chapter trainings are broken out into three enrollments (Enrollment “A”, Enrollment “B” and Enrollment “C”). A student must complete all three enrollments (A, B and C) in order to meet the FDEP requirements for completion of Volume I.
There is no change to the Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Volume II. And as a reminder, certificates of completion for both volume I and II are required to sit for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Class C exam.