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Water & Pollution

Control Operators Association

HomeCommitteee Cust Relations

Customer Relations Committee

Chairman: Peter Selberg



In the 1990s, the trend of industry was to switch from being manufacturing based to service provider based. Well, in the utility’s world providing services are what we’ve been doing all along.

Just think, how many times do you talk to a customer? How about your boss, or the front office personnel, how often do they have a conversation with a customer? Remember every time you talk with your friends and neighbors you are talking to customers. What about those curious citizens watching you repair a main break or install a meter? When an outside phone rings, do you answer it? These are just a few examples of why we need to look at how we interface with our customers to make sure they feel we provide a worthwhile service. We would also love to see more of the people who provide the front line contact with the public get involved. Let your front offices know they too can join FW&PCOA.

Did you know FW&PCOA provides training and certification in "Utilities Customer Relations"? What a public relations boon if you can say YOUR utility uses certified Customer Relations personnel. It is the duty of this committee to develop, organize, schedule, and/or approve classes for the purpose of coordinating Utilities Customer Relations Training Courses in the State of Florida. The committee shall determine the criteria and assist the Training Director and the Regions in scheduling the speakers and instructors for the schools.

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