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FW&PCOA Accepting Annual Safety Award Nominations

Annual FW&PCOA

Safety Award Nominations

Deadline: June 30, 2023

In recognition of the importance of safety in Florida's drinking water and clean water industries, the FW&PCOA presents awards each year to facilities that employ our members and have an outstanding safety performance record during the previous calendar year. Plaques are presented at the annual Awards Luncheon held in conjunction with the Fall State Short School in August.


The award criteria take into consideration the size of each facility and its number of employees so that small facilities can compete fairly with larger ones. The following criteria are also included:

  • The utility or plant does NOT have to be totally accident free to be eligible.
  • The documentation requested in the application form is not mandatory, but it does aid the committee in its decisions and therefore can be an asset for the applicant.

The deadline for the nominations is:

June 30, 2023


Nominations must be submitted to the following email address:

Click Here for the Safety Award Nomination Form